When is the right time to inquire about compensation

Receiving a job offer with a low starting salary is a frustrating experience. You use many resources in planning and preparing and spent many hours of your time for the interview. You have scheduled your time many times to appear in the interviews.  You also have spent money to appear in the interview. And after facing much problems and spending time you receive an offer that is not according to your abilities and is below your expectation. Everyone would like to save his effort, energy, and resources. But how you can avoid making such a misstep? There are several easy steps that can help you to save your time and resources.
It is better to ask for the salary range before scheduling the first interview. You may inquire politely like” to ensure that we are not wasting our time and resources, would you like to share the salary range you are offering for this position. The interviewer may ask about your current salary. And in respond you should be very careful, never tell the exact figure of your salary, you may answer as following “Not including bonus and incentives, my salary is in the [upper- range or insert low-, mid of your salary level].”
If you are a new job seeker or out of work, I would never suggest or implement a compensation policy for you as your top priorities. If you are underemployed and your focus is to have a new employment due to loss of your job or you are facing an adverse job situation with present employer, then compensation over salary is not the solution of the matter.
There is nothing wrong to ask about the salary. Every time you will ask this question, the person will surely understand the reason for asking the question. He will actually appreciate that you have respect for time limited and schedule of them you as well. And usually most of the employers answer in straightway. This tactic will help you to avoid and never lost out on an opportunity.
Some people will disagree with this but I myself had experienced this question on job interviews and never wasted my own or an interviewer’s time due to starting-salary questions or other concerns.
According to professionals this step takes away your ability and power to discuss. But it is not. You ask this question or not, the hiring company will confirm and inquire about your past salary history. So why don’t you ask for their offer. Asking for salary will not compromise your power and ability to negotiate an approaching job offer.

Post- Interview follow-up strategy

Many of the job candidates over-analyze the strategy of their post-interview follow-up, for some reasons. After an interview a thank you letter is necessary. Never skip this important step even at your own risk. Try to send your thank you note within 24 hours after the interview. This letter or note will improve its potential impact. But what kind of letter do you select to send, really does matter. Try to assess that whether the person you interviewed would like a hand note or a typed one.  If you concluded that the person has a fondness for hand-written notes, simply do it.  But in case you are confuse and have no knowledge about the choice of the person then you may adopt other options like

1) Use snail mail to send a handwritten letter or note,
2) Use snail mail to send a typed letter,
3) Use an email to type the letter and send it as an attachment with the text pasted.

Option 3 is considered the best option in above 3 options as it allows staying top-of-mind with the interviewer. In most of cases you just write a thank you note and send it. But before sending it, be sure that its spellings are correct and it is grammatically error-free. Try to have someone or peer proof-read the letter for you.

You would require interviewer’s contact information to take this important step.  So it is better to ask the interviewing person for his/her business card prior to the interview. Usually interviewer will offer his/her business card as business etiquette but it does not always happen. You cannot make your follow ups without person’s contact information. So ask for the business card up front, you can forget to ask for it later. Ask for the person’s contact information for phone interviews that will help you to make follow ups.

The thank you note is an important and significant way to set you apart from others to the competition. Also attach a selected piece from your work-folio, if you discussed part of your work-folio in the interview. Your basic goal is to make your impression good and enhancing for the next round. This critical step will help you to achieve and enhance in your goal.

Inquire about the next step in the interview process with the expected timeframe. Regarding next step the interviewer will surely communicate to you within the expected time frame and if you do not hear back from the company with in that time then you have the right to follow up with the person and acquire about the further steps. But be careful that you should never contact the interviewer before time frame, under any circumstances. Demonstrates your inability to follow simple instructions, don’t show impatience on your part. Never create a reason for the interviewer to throw you out of the running.

Five most Stresful jobs in Pakistan

Stress in a workplace is an issue for employers and employees as well. If the workplace has a moderate amount of stress it is not harmful but having much stress may affect your health. Stress may cause headaches, sickness and sore muscles. Some of the jobs have continuous stress over the employers.  Here are most stressful jobs of Pakistan.

Commercial Airline Pilot
The job of commercial air line pilots is a stressful job. The commercial pilots are responsible for landing or taking off the planes. They make their own ways on the sky. They are considered responsible not only for the plane but also for the lives of them and the passengers. Sometimes factors get out of control weather condition is one of such factors. Pilots face swings in stress.
This profession has further made tough and difficult by the falling economy and oil prices.  Because of the falling economy pilots are performing their duties on extra hours that are further causing stress. All the above reasons emerge and make the job stressful.   

Air Traffic Controllers
Air traffic controllers are the people who control air traffic. These people are responsible for arrival and departure of the jets, air liners that are commercial and private single engine planes. The air traffic controllers organize the paths of the flight, landing areas and patterns. They have to perform their duties often in for long working hours with a rest or sleep. It is a tough job with multifaceted conditions that may end in a disaster if they show poor performance.

Emergency Response Personnel
Firefighters, police officers, and EMTs usually perform their duties in full stress. They are tasked to protect, serve, and save the people who get into trouble. This is a great responsibility that affects the nerves.
But it is strange that they are not paid enough for their brave services. These people do not receive as much recognition as they should receive.

photo journalists are the people who work in dangerous environment. These people are expected to have photos of dangerous occasions and places that are at a distant and unstable. These people works on call and are supposed to be present 24 hours of the day. Photo journalists have to move from one place to another on very short notice, in any condition and at any time. dangers of the job are also evident by the news of many journalists who are murdered deficiently.  

The people who are dealing in marketing have much competition they are totally dependent on the mercy of their buyers and clients. The success or failure of them depends upon the decisions of their clients. They may have a stress in a second because the result of their performance is in the hands of their clients. They have to move from place to place forgetting the effect of weather.
You can not have any career without stress. But the way to cope the career is important. Learn how to manage the stressing work and change that energy into positive and productive way.  